It started with a smile...

The roller coaster ride of a thirty-something, twice-married (now single), unemployed, graduate student and mother of two who lives in beautiful California

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Olive, can you get some OJ?

On my way to the bank this morning, I got a honk and a smile from a guy in a truck next to me. I smiled back, but my first thought was, couldn't you see how fat I am? Haha. I still got it. Then I thought, don't you see that I have kids here? It was a nice compliment regardless. I then dropped off my unemployment claim form in the mail and bought two Tri Tip sandwiches, this time for lunch. (Hey, red meat is good for my anemia.) I ran into my uncle and nephew there and my uncle, who usually isn't so nice, said I was looking good. I laughed at that and told him about the guy in the truck and he said, "Didn't he see the kids in the car?" I said, "Yeah, who knows? I don't know if I want to go down that road again anyway." I'm certainly not ready. I decided to go to my brother's house to get the scoop. He was in the yard edging the lawn, which is a weird sight for me. He just doesn't seem the domestic type. We chatted on the lawn while watching the kids run around. My bro said I was looking good, and I was surprised. Maybe I will wear these clothes more often. I think it is just that I am feeling much better after having the baby. Getting back to normal. He says it is over with Christina....even though they were having counseling this evening. He said they just have to figure out the logistics, ie., who gets the house, how they will watch the kids, etc., etc. It's a little sad, but I can't say unexpected. I then went to my mom's to hang out for a bit there and pick up some of the laundry I had left from yesterday. My mom is having a very hard time with us kids. First there is me and my dumb problems, then my one brother gets shipped to Iraq and now JP is starting to divorce his wife. She's taking it very hard. Today she said, "How long do you pray for an outcome when it isn't going to happen the way you want it?" All in all, though, we are okay. I mean, we aren't totally unhappy. Well, JP semi-admitted to hitting the bottle because of the marital problems. There's no way I can get plastered with this baby around, even if I wanted to. I mean, what if I sacked out and couldn't wake up for him? Or what if there was some emergency and I couldn't drive? That reminds me. My dad said I should get my tire checked out again because it looks like someone sort of stabbed it with a knife. I don't recall having any enemies unless it is some kids in my apartment complex. What a pain to have to go get this fixed. Olive is selling Girl Scout cookies and raising money for a jog-a-thon. We hit up my brother and my parents with that while we were out visiting. Olive's dad called wanting me to drive up to drop her off. I can't see driving 30 miles on a weird tire. I could just imagine it blowing out on the freeway. Olive said he wasn't feeling good anyway. To me, it sounds like he's getting the flu, which makes you wonder why he wants to infect his daughter with it. Then me, then the baby. Sure, I can't avoid everything, but why shove it in your face! I told him, maybe next time and that was enough said. I've got so much to do here and I am practicing major avoidance. If I have to move out of this apartment and back in with my parents, then I need to get everything here organized. It will need to be done fairly soon. I've already started preplanning, in my mind, haha. Now, I just have to DO IT.


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