It started with a smile...

The roller coaster ride of a thirty-something, twice-married (now single), unemployed, graduate student and mother of two who lives in beautiful California

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Who's going to the Superbowl?

I haven't the faintest idea. I heard from JP that the Eagles were going??? I think I was only half way paying attention as I was talking to him on the phone while feeding the baby. We never left the apartment today. My diet consisted of cornflakes for breakfast, a bite of an egg & chorizo burrito I made myself but decided I didn't like it after all, a corn dog for lunch, a bowl of top ramen soup for a mid-afternoon snack, and for dinner...a teeny piece of steak fired up on my George Foreman grill (which I love) and some rice. Notice there are no veggies or fruit in the mix. That is because I haven't gone shopping in a while. I did decide to drink only green tea today, which wasn't half bad. Most of my day was spent going through and purging old paperwork I have in various areas throughout my room. I'm trying to get rid of stuff before my next move. I found my rental agreement in the mess and I am locked in until April 30th, which gives me three months to throw things out and reorganize. If I decide to open a daycare here, I will have to clean up anyway. I ordered some Avon and chatted with my cousin in Georgia for a bit online. This afternoon I spoke with my mom a bit. She's not happy about the JP & Christina saga and asked me if I could call over there to see if everything was going okay. I complied and got my brother on the phone which startled me because my mom had told me that he had left the premises again. That was according to Christina at 10 a.m. this morning. I casually asked my brother how he was doing and he sounded a little slurrish. I asked him if they were planning a Superbowl party and he said that he wasn't going to be there then. I wondered if that meant he is planning to leave her for good, or what. I asked him if Christina was there and he said that she was sleeping or fake sleeping. She's really depressed...on Effexor. There wasn't much else to talk about since I could tell the conversation was going nowhere, but I did tell him that I understood what was going on in their relationship and that it was undoubtedly hard. Of course, after I hung up with him, I had to call my mom back to give her the news that everything was okay for the time being.

Well, I gave the baby some cereal again this evening to see if it will help with the sleeping. Last night, Olive & I gave him about a tablespoon with the formula and he slept four hours this time. I think maybe he is just a light sleeper. Olive never had any sleeping problems and still doesn't, unless you call never wanting to wake up a problem. Ha! Anyway, no word from R, which is actually good. I don't really feel like talking to him anyway. I feel a lot of disgust regarding him now, which is a feeling I have never felt. I consider that good progress. To be honest, I wouldn't answer the door or the phone if he were to try to contact me...I'm just real sick of him.

Tomorrow I think I need to buy two tires. Yup. I figure the two back tires have had holes in them from nails anyway so they probably need to be replaced altogether. I also need to pick up my photos from the grocery store I left on Friday. And, there is MORE laundry to be done. I'm not sure how I will accomplish all this with the little one, but it needs to be done. I'm also going to start doing situps to get rid of this residual pregnant-stomach-fat.

I did some weblog reading today for kicks and determined the following:

1. There are way too many pictures of SNOW... Yeah, I know I live in California where it has been 75 degrees out and gorgeous, but come on, people.
2. A lot of people hate Bush. It seems like more people hate him than like him which makes you wonder how he got re-elected. I certainly didn't vote for him.
3. There are a lot of teenagers who post that they hate their parents. Okay, I didn't exactly like mine either at that age, but guess what? It only seems like they are out to get actuality, they care.


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