It started with a smile...

The roller coaster ride of a thirty-something, twice-married (now single), unemployed, graduate student and mother of two who lives in beautiful California

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

It's supposed to be "No-Name Calling Week"

You-know-who called me last night. Yup, the baby's father. I mean what do I call him without sounding like such a bitch about things? The jerk? The sperm donor? The absent father? The biological father? The dirtbag? The scum? The insensitive bastard? I have no idea. His call was neutral as if he was choosing his words very carefully. He said he wants to "see" the baby. Does this mean he is going to violate the terms of the restraining order I have against him...? Obviously he is violating it by even calling me on the phone! I haven't been a stickler about it, but maybe I should. I've let him "see" the baby twice before. Why? I don't know. Maybe just because it's his offspring??? At any rate, he uses the "restraining order" to his favor by saying the reason why he doesn't want to be involved or a part of the baby's life is because of it. I certainly don't understand why he's calling me this week, if last week he so keen on abiding by the terms of that order. What's changed? Nothing. I'm telling you...he makes me sick. Anyway, I didn't answer the phone because I figured it was him and I was right. I didn't call him back either. Why should I? He hasn't done a darn thing for us. Nor has he paid any child support. He just up and left and now he wants to come around and "see" the baby? For what? I think not. I don't think he has any right...


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