It started with a smile...

The roller coaster ride of a thirty-something, twice-married (now single), unemployed, graduate student and mother of two who lives in beautiful California

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Not One Chose to Die...

You know, I'm not very religious even though I have my own convictions and I used to work at a Catholic school and all, but this slogan or phrase, "Not One Chose to Die" regarding Roe v. Wade is a little weak in my opinion. I mean, not one chose to live either, when you think about it. And furthermore, what choices does a "baby" actually make anyway? I try to stay neutral when explaining things to Olive, who is very curious about these signs up all over the place. My dad walked in an anti-abortion rally on Monday, which I found very interesting. Since when did he become the activist? I'm not really sure but I think it is all those churchy people he's been hanging around. It's not bad or good, it's just interesting to see your parents changing before your eyes. Anyway, anything is better than that damn Amway phase they went through...! But, regarding abortion, I can't say I'm pro death but there really are some people out there that should NOT ever be parents. You say, give 'em up for adoption then, but easier said than done. I just read on another lady's blog that they were adopting a child from China. Apparently this child/infant was abandoned and found crying under a tree and was consequently sent to an orphanage. Yup, it's a girl. And due to their government's restrictions of how many children a couple can CHOOSE to bring to the world, they usually want to keep their boys. Thus, they get rid of the girls. I imagine if abortion was illegal we'd see more abandoned babies all over the place, like in China. I'm sure that baby chose to be abandoned, eh? Okay, enough soapbox. Anyway, my two "gifts from God" (that's what some guy at the Post Office called my kids) are loved completely and thoroughly. I am very proud of my Rico who flipped over on his back today. Olive and I were thrilled. She's at Girl Scouts now and wore her vest with ALL the patches on it. I sewed them on today and felt very proud to be a mom. Ha! When she was in catechism I went over to Longs and requested the eye drops for Rico I've been meaning to get. I also got him some saline nose drops since he's a little crusty there. Guess who I saw there? None other than Maggie...the lady that has 5 kids. She didn't see me but I thought it was interesting that I haven't seen her in over a year...then I see her twice in a week. There isn't much else going on. Olive was off today and it was nice having her around. I've banned her from television for a while. In my opinion, she needs to read more. I have another class tomorrow evening that I am excited to start. No word from the baby's father. See? Some people should NOT be parents...he is one.


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